I am qualified to support you in conversation, watching films, writing letters, drawing pictures, having breakdowns, falling off the waggon, getting back on the horse, correcting historical events through the power of storytelling, manifesting your dreams, reconnecting in love with your estranged loved ones, releasing your addictions, discovering your capacity for peace and a whole bunch more.
I am a coach, not a therapist. This means that we are in communication for as long as we are working together, whether we are speaking once a week or every day.
I have an audio visual photographic memory. This means I remember films, stories and poems back to front and inside out. And not just a few. Hundreds. Stories play a big part in helping you uncover yourself because they allow you to see the truth without feeling like you are under the spotlight. Far from it. You are being entertained and swept up into a journey that seems to belong to someone other than you. This allows a level of objectivity that wouldn’t be so accessible if you were feeling scrutinised.
So whether we are examining Alice’s relationship to the hero’s journey (Tim Burton’s Alice) or Billy’s relationship to ice cream (Kramer vs. Kramer), we can move through the archetypal arc from rejection to acceptance using the lessons and experiences of others, while we absorb them by osmosis… I will also tell you stories about me to help us along the path (stories that a therapist would NEVER share with a client.)
We then begin to make the stories yours by examining your triggers, fascinations and reactions to specific moments in film and literary narratives and overlaying them with your life so you can see how your life is a story and how you are the author, not only of the pages to come but of the pages that have already been written (by you or controlling factions in your life).
I will ask you questions almost as a dolphin fires sonar that bounces back, allowing me a quick flash-vision into an entire area of your psyche. This gives me the ability to see very quickly exactly how you do your emotional processing, where you hide your secret thoughts, what’s in your blind spot, how you perceive incoming fictional data and what you make it mean once you’ve absorbed it…
In Layman’s terms, it would be like drinking a dye that illuminates all your veins for a surgeon so he/she can operate effectively: watching movies and listening to stories and then letting me discuss them with you helps to illuminate your psyche and it means we can process an enormous amount of your pycho-spirital, mental and emotional data together with absolutely phenomenal fast track results.
Engaging with the homework is crucial because it is the homework that promotes the healing. The sessions themselves are the surgery. And if you don’t do the homework it’s like not changing the bandages. Why would you do that?
The homework schedule does not follow a fixed shape because it is built from scratch with every client to accommodate your specific needs, tastes and flexibility. It’s something that MUST fall in line with your existing lifestyle. IT must NEVER become a burden. You must NEVER engage with it resentfully. And if there’s a particular piece of homework that you either can’t do, won’t do or hate doing, it’s more important that you stop and try to observe exactly why you feel so damn triggered. Discussing what triggers came up for you will ALWAYS be more useful than pushing all the way through a written or watching assignment just so you can project your resentment on me.
Therefore, the amount of homework will depend on what you can achieve, but I will always attempt to work with you and make sure that whatever we agree to flows with your life and makes use of things like time in the car and on public transport, walking, the shape of your work, your existing spiritual practices and your family commitments. I’m not interested in competing with your lifestyle OR changing it. I am interested in supporting it. If changes need to happen, they will happen organically as a natural response to being supported.
The system is designed for you to fall in love… first with the process and then with yourself. In fact, ‘falling’ is not the right word because the process is conscious, step-by-step and deliberate. There is NO falling. Only walking. Every step is a choice. And we stay in conversation only as long as you wish us to be connected.