You are now one step closer to our conversation over the phone. But I want you to feel like we are ALREADY in a conversation… right now. As I sit here at my desk, wondering who you are, I am finding it incredibly pleasant to consider that even though the time ‘NOW’ that I am writing this and the time ‘NOW’ that you are reading this are two different times… actually there is NO time between us at all.

So… here we are, together, at the beginning of our first conversation.

And I want you to feel relaxed; really relaxed; able to chat about anything. Relaxed chat is a VERY effective tool for finding our way into the deeper conversations… being relaxed disarms us, and only when we are disarmed do we have any hope of finding what has been so well hidden: sometimes the things we most need to see have been hidden away in our subconscious by a little part of our own psyche that’s in survival mode and trying to protect us from a truth that might deconstruct our whole identity. But when the thing you need to work on has been so cleverly hidden that you can’t find it anywhere, even though you are actively looking for it, you end up just burying it. You try to get on with life as best you can, but something is stuck. There's a stone in your shoe. You're limping.

T.R.O.J.A.N Horse Conversational Coaching uses a combination of relaxed chat and ‘disruptive technology’ to quickly bypass the mind’s natural defenses and get to the heart of the problem… but in order for this model to work for you, you have to be NATURALLY keen on self observation, self development and self improvement. You also have to trust me explicitly AND implicitly for this work to really land. I will NEVER discuss what we talk about in our sessions with anyone. What happens in the room stays in the room. This is a confidentiality promise. I also need your informed consent to sometimes trick you in a conversation so I can show you something I would not be able to show you if you’re mind were trying to analyse the data and get in the way of your heart being able to experience and play an active role in the conversation… this is what is meant by ‘disruptive technology’. And by reading further, you have been informed and you are consenting to the above.


Over the last 120 years, society has been slowly conditioned en masse to accept certain fundamental beliefs that simply aren’t true. Here are some of them:

‘Rich’ is equal to ‘happy’. ‘Sexy’ is equal to ‘beautiful’. ‘I don’t know the answer’ is equal to ‘I’m a fraud’. ‘The approval of others’ is equal to ‘how loved I am’. ‘Acceptance’ is equal to ‘behaving how others want me to behave’. ‘Things that make me feel vulnerable’ are equal to ‘things I should be ashamed of’. ‘Others’ needs’ are equal to ‘more important than my needs’. ‘The removal of love’ is equal to ‘people knowing my secrets’. ‘Anger’ is equal to ‘bad’. ‘Pleasant’ is equal to ‘good’. ‘Blame’ is equal to ‘responsibility’. ‘Violent speech’ is equal to ‘strong character’. ‘Apologising’ is equal to ‘weakness’. ‘Crying’ is equal to ‘inappropriate’ and ‘embarrassing’. ‘Being sexually explicit with my partner about what I do and don’t like’ is equal to ‘total humiliation’ and should never be attempted.

These are just a few of the subconscious beliefs that mold most of our behaviours most of the time unless we have already become hyper-aware of our conscious AND our subconscious behaviours, and have learned to re-write any internal script that doesn’t work for us, rather than letting our old scripts hijack our psyche and carry us off enthusiastically in the WRONG direction, ending in the social, spiritual or internal equivalent of a pile up on the motorway. I know it sounds funny when I say it like that. But this is the truth of what happens to lots of us lots of the time. It’s not that we don’t know how to be a clear thinker. It’s that we keep getting hijacked by old thinking, causing us to repeat the same old patterns again and again and again, even though we know better.

So, in actual fact, I’m not necessarily going to teach you ANYTHING. I mean, I’m sure I will teach you things as a byproduct of the work we are doing together but I am more interested in helping you DEPROGRAM yourself so you can discover how MARVELOUS and CREATIVE and UNIQUE you ALWAYS were…

And now, for a ‘pattern interrupt’ … here’s a seemingly random poem:

Who should I marry? Marriage is a tricky topic if you’re incomplete; No one else can make you whole, no matter who you meet. But we are never taught this in the colleges and schools, So most of us will say our vows in ignorance, as fools. You meet the person: they’re the BEST. You quickly fall in love. You fit together perfectly; ecstatic hand in glove. You abandon every lonely ‘I’; now you’re half of ‘WE’. The ‘us’ is SO much better than that sad old previous ‘me’. You know that you are worthy of belonging and respect. You love the other person and you need them to reflect This with their actions and their cooking and their kindness and their grace; You search for validation in their tone and on their face. You do your best but things go wrong. Their face is now annoying. Every thing you try to fix you just end up destroying. You want to want to listen and to care and to be kind, But this person that you loved can’t see. This person’s fucking blind! THIS is not a marriage. It’s an insult and a ruse To entrap you in a ‘game of life’ that you can only lose. There are MANY ‘games of life’ to play, and many you can win. But first you have to understand the primary game you’re in: You’re in the ‘Game of Hearts’ and your heart is at the centre Of a giant maze of mirrors you did not agree to enter. You were born into this maze of reflection and refraction; And most of what you see is smoke and mirrors and distraction. Your brain decodes the light that enters through your open eyes As you walk the maze oblivious that you are in disguise. If you knew, you’d see yourself in every single other; A refraction of your siblings and your father and your mother. You’d see that everyone you see’s a mirror-image you: You project; the maze reflects so you can see what’s true. You’d see the maze for what it is; a tool; a prop; a guide, But can you face the mirror when it’s showing you your pride? Can you face the mirror when it shows you that you lie; That you don’t practise what you preach however hard you try? When the mirror shows you anger and vulgarity and rage, Do you stop to take it in or do you swiftly turn the page? When you understand the world is just a mirror maze You start to use reflections in a multitude of ways: You look inside your darkness; you turn over every rock, And sometimes it’s unpleasant: you can get a nasty shock. But this is where the love is needed deep inside your soul, At the centre of your pain, like a diamond held in coal. And when you map your way there you can fall in love that’s True: You want to know who you should marry? You should marry you! Once you’ve married you, You are spiritually free to marry someone else. If you are marrying someone else So you don’t have to marry you, The relationship is broken before it starts. You’re already your own life partner. And as long as you don’t surrender to this Truth, You are constantly pushing parts of yourself away, Whilst trying to bring someone else really close. If you have never discovered your own uniqueness, it’s time. Something makes you utterly unforgettable. Something makes you priceless. Something makes you special beyond even these words. Practice your skills: these are the things you are quite good at That also make your heart really pleased and proud while you’re doing them. When you cherish your spirit your spirit cherishes you, And the privilege of that, once you experience it for real, Is sometimes overwhelming. It should be. You are IRREPLACEABLE. Feel it. Now every mirror shows only the Truth. You were born at the centre of this maze. You have been trying to find the Entrance ever since. Left, left, right; right, left, right; right, left. You cross under the HUGE sign that says ENTRANCE (but spelled backwards) And you take your first steps in the world beyond illusion. Welcome. Light a candle now. If you haven’t got a candle it means that someone else has lit yours for you. © Simon Welsh Poetry 6th February 2011 remastered 3rd November 2024


90 minutes per week broken into ONE 60 minute session on a particular day at a particular time, and 30 minutes spread over the week so that we can have a few short feedback chats and make sure you’re getting the most out of your ‘homework’ exercises. These chats can be spontaneous and don’t need to be booked in but you do need to text first to check I’m free. This is a guideline and not set in stone, which means that if you need more of my time, you will get it without having to pay extra.


Yes. Homework! But relax because, right here and now, I make you a solemn promise: I will never ‘make’ you do homework. You are ALWAYS encouraged, but no one can make you do anything. However, the more you engage with homework, the faster the process will go for you. Also, the homework is always supposed to speak to what makes your heart skip with excitement. If I set you a homework that makes your heart sink with dread, it’s NOT the right homework, and we keep looking for something you’re going to LOVE until we find it … it could be a movie, writing exercise, cooking exercise, gardening exercise, reading/researching exercise, interacting with a stranger exercise, international travel/quest exercise… it’s an incredibly exciting process because the homework is always an organic response to what has been discovered in session and what your spirit needs most. And when you engage with it, it’s like dropping in to an adventure story that you are both the star and the author of. You begin to envision how you want the story to go, and then it begins to happen around you, often to such an incredible degree that it feels like you hacked into the Matrix and are now rewriting the digital code of your own life path. And you know why it feels like that? Because that’s EXACTLY what you are doing. Say it aloud…

“I’ve hacked into the Matrix and am now rewriting the digital code of my own life path. I’m getting out in front of the story of ME and then writing it as I want it to appear, thus making it so. So mote it be. And so it is. Aho. Bing bang bong. POOF!”


Are you smiling? Do you understand/innerstand that you just put out into the Universe an intention/prayer for the absolutely HIGHEST value and HIGHEST vibrational frequency and HIGHEST good and HIGHEST outcome for you and ALL the people you know and love? I’m telling you now (after the event). If I’d warned you by saying “we’re going to send out a prayer now” the mind would attempt to sabotage the request with little poo-shaped doubts… and what we just did goes a long way to bypassing that. This is the nature of T.R.O.J.A.N Horse - sometimes it has to sneak under the wire to get into your VERY well guarded city and, once inside, the army of unconditional self love pours out, flooding every part of the city with something akin to the light of God being switched on in the basement of your own internal Hell… it may sound scary but EVERYONE who hasn’t mastered self acceptance to a VERY high level has a sort of ‘Hell-scape’ buried inside them like a dungeon, and all the damaged parts of our psyche live there in the dark, surrounded by demons and goblins and cruel voices whose only job is to reinforce those old scripts that tell us we are poor, worthless, loveless, empty, broken beyond repair or not even worthy of what we already have. These are all ‘curses’ that we have essentially given to our inner goblins to inflict on us through subconscious toxic self-management. That might sound dramatic or perhaps even biblical but if you break down the concept of curse, it’s a non-physical affliction that keeps on damaging you until or unless it is removed. So ‘curses’ which are rolled out by ‘goblins’ are the same as negative subconscious behavioural constructs that are reinforced by the hijacked part of your psyche that believes you to be worthy of destruction rather than exaltation.


The curse of ‘the poor’ is a belief that money stands between us and the things that will make us happy. In 'modern day ‘society’ the curse seems VERY real because nice things cost money; we must keep up with the Jones’; the kids need things; good food is expensive… but if you ask anyone poor to tell you about the happiest moments of their lives they won’t tell you about money. They will tell you about the birth of their children, the day they got married; they will talk about being in love; being seen; being recognised, valued; cherished; respected. Isn’t that interesting?

There are poor communities all over the world; communities where, by our standards, the people have nothing. In communities that are run well, guess what? The people are happy. They all carry the duties of looking after their tribe TOGETHER. They all have responsibilities which require mutual respect, balanced thinking, honest listening and speaking, dedicated focus, shared goals and ABOVE ALL, the community’s ability to thrive moving forward.

Guess what they DON’T have? The concepts of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, TV, radio, entertainment, mirrors, fashion that needs to be ‘unique’. They don’t have pharmaceutical drugs, ADAH, autism, body dysmorphia or dysphoria, addiction issues or, the big one, fear of death. They also put the primacy of their young above all other things so ALL council decisions are made with the well-being of the tribe’s future children at the heart of every matter… thus nothing can be decided at the council level that would EVER harm the children… (watch the Children’s fire video if you like).

So… when we break it down, the ‘curse of the poor’ is actually a western phenomenon to describe how a person feels when their life is run by their desires, their wants, their economic addictions and their materialism. It can be hard, I agree, to live in the western world and not be afflicted by this curse, but it’s important to recognise that it is a COMPLETE illusion. And once you see this, the curse can be lifted and you can live your life as you were meant to.


The curse of the ‘rich’ is the notion that having everything you want will put any distance at all between you and the feeling of utter emptiness inside which comes from not having access to love. This isn’t the curse of all rich people, by any means, but many people don’t understand that materialism (although ‘things’ are very nice to have) is simply a ‘thirst trap’ for the spirit: having more always leads to wanting more, no matter how much more we have… and eventually, our want becomes so big, it’s bigger than us; a goblin that has grown so big it can swallow us whole… this is, amongst other things, a form of spiritual possession, though it could also be described as “ugly habits lead to ugly fixed behaviours”. It doesn’t matter if you don't believe in goblins and possession… the idea of ugly fixed behaviours should be just as concerning to you. We can see this phenomenon at work in the world of celebrities as they get older; lots of fixed ugly behaviours there. But the same is true across the board both in and out of the limelight…

In summation, is it fair to say that the curses of the ‘rich’ AND ‘poor’ are actually both symptoms of the same dis-ease? And is it fair to say this this disease doesn’t have an obvious name?

Is it fair to say this? Because it seems this is the difference between those who feel happy and complete within themselves and in their lives… and those who don’t. If you are a self-proclaimed atheist you might be about to switch off, believing me to be saying that only people who ‘believe in God’ are truly happy… I appreciate this journey may not work for you … but I’m not religious… and the God I speak of would be better imagined as the cosmic sentient energy that knits everything together, than a man in white robes sitting in the clouds hurling down judgement and excluding people from ‘Heaven’… so before you decide to bail… watch the following video… it may be that we are actually on the same page… even if you believe yourself to be an atheist. (warning - it’s another of my poems!)


I have a wealth of life experience, I tell the truth, I don't tolerate bullshit or platitudes, and I will make you laugh a lot while I help you tear down your defenses and show you {lovingly} exactly where and how you hide from the pain you've buried deep inside you.


Ultimately this process has been designed for people who are ready to break out of their old patterns, who are prepared to do what it takes to look into the mirror with their eyes open, step into INTEGRITY OF WORD and keep to that integrity even when they are triggered and want to say…


I am a specialist working with: emotional trauma, sex trauma, erectile dysfunction; body dysmorphia; arrested development, addiction (porn, food, sex, social media, alcohol, drugs), interdimensional/spiritual attack/defense, the quantum field, time-travel, timeline corrections, neural path rewiring and recalibration…

You could come to me because you can’t get a partner, can’t get a break, can’t get a good night’s sleep, can’t get ahead; you could come to me because you are scared of the prospect you might hate yourself, terrified to embrace your anger, rage or other negative emotion; you could come to me because you want to learn to trust yourself more, find your voice, find your way or start building a permanent home in your heart so you don’t have to feel like an orphan anymore. Lastly, you could be coming to me because there is someone in your life who you love who has been pulling away further and further and you don’t know how to ‘get them back’. This could be your parent, your child or your partner.

Whatever you reason for wanting to book a session we will work with the tools/topics listed above (and other things we may have to invent just for you) and we will blend these tools/topics alchemically together, creating the recipe of an elixir that will undo any poisonous effects that have been playing out in your system from previous experiences and old scripts.

Does this sound exciting so far?